Below are the links which proof that all tasks were completed.
Project HostingDiscussion Group
SVN Status Group
The Practice
For this assignment, I decided to review the lecture notes and slides presented during class time. Tasks one and two were straightforward, since they only required to download and use TortoiseSVN.Task three was a little more difficult. However, I didn't run into any major problems which I wouldn't know how to solve. I did not want to use any other sources for creating the Google hosting project because I wanted to make sure that my project fits the Professor's requirements. But some of the slides are not very clear, especially the slides which included snap shots. In addition Google seem to have changed the user interface which is different then presented on the slides. Nevertheless, with some minor decision debating, I completed all tasks. One of the decision I debated over, was whether or not to give the members the email option.
From working on this assignment, I have learned that it is required to make small decisions fast. If I didn't make these decisions promptly, I would probably still be sitting and working on this assignment. I have also learned that Google provides a lot of useful resources for free. Now, I know that I can upload all the programs that I have written in my past classes unto Google hosting and control them with TortoiseSVN.